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Transcreation is a type of translation technique used in international marketing and advertising. Unlike traditional translation, transcreation does not simply translate the original text into another language. Instead, it involves re-creating the content based on the culture and expectations of the target audience while maintaining the original message and intent. The process of transcreation includes reimagining and rewriting the source text to achieve the desired effect and impact for marketers in the target locale.

At iLen, we have an in-house team of professional translators who specialize in localizing marketing materials. The insights they possess in the field of transcreation means they can combine their local market knowledge with language skills and collaborate effectively to provide clients with various creative translation options.

Our Strength
  • A stable in-house team
  • Extensive experience of 10+ years
  • Unique language techniques
  • Familiarity with local advertising regulations
  • In-depth knowledge of local culture
Service Process
  • Requirements Analysis

    Upon receiving a transcreation service request, our transcreation team will first conduct a thorough analysis of the client's requirements. This includes understanding the client's products and services, identifying the desired goals of the source text, and analyzing the linguistic techniques employed. They will then further discuss potential transcreation challenges for the target language, such as political sensitivities, cultural taboos and creative possibilities.

  • Brainstorming

    After the requirements analysis, our transcreation team will perform a brainstorming session. They will utilize their proficient language skills and explore different creative styles to propose multiple transcreation versions. These versions will then undergo further discussion, refinement and review to ensure the client's needs and goals are met.

  • Submitted for Approval

    The final selected version(s) of the transcreation will be submitted to the client for review. If the client is not familiar with the target language, our team may provide back translations and explanations of the transcreation for reference. If the client provides feedback or suggestions, we will incorporate the client’s opinions and make further revisions until a satisfactory delivery is achieved.